Thank You, Fr. Bill!

August 2023

This summer, we are sending many thanks and many prayers to our campus Chaplain, Fr. Bill Sheridan, as he leaves the Kean University community after a little over ten years- yes, ten years!- as a Kean Cougar.

Fr. Bill has been involved in college campus ministries for over 21 years. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1989 for service in the Archdiocese of Newark. Throughout much of his ministry in this time, he has served in various capacities at many colleges and universities in the area. He has been a Campus Minister or Chaplain at Seton Hall University, Ramapo College of New Jersey, Rutgers University/NJIT/Essex County College in Newark, Union County College and of course, our very own Kean University. Wow! Fr. Bill also previously served as the Director of Campus Ministry and Newman Apostolate for the Archdiocese of Newark.

Fr. Bill has always made it known that he enjoys working with college students and feels that college years provide both challenges and great opportunities to growing in one's faith. Students have always remarked on how easy it is to speak to Father, and that his approachability, humor, and down to earth personality make him a wonderful priest to go to and have on campus.

We asked Fr. Bill a few questions on his time working in Campus Ministry and to share some words of wisdom to the community:

What are some of your favorite events or favorite trips you did in the past? Do any stand out after so many years in the ministry/still have an impact on your today?

Fr. Bill: By way of "trips" I'd have to say the Retreats we conducted between Montclair State University and Ramapo College (dubbed, "Montapo") in the early days and later the Intra-Departmental Retreats hold lasting memories of wonderful pre-retreat planning sessions and then actually seeing the work/ministry come to fruition in the lives of our students. I also enjoyed the F.O.C.U.S. SEEK Conferences I attended in Grapevine, TX, Baltimore and Illinois.

What has been your favorite part working with college students, and why did you feel called to work with them?

Fr. Bill: I think the natural openness that College Students bring to trying new approaches to the Ministry and their willingness to share their hopes, struggles and questions with me through the years was quite rewarding. Another bright spot was the witty interactions and fabulous sense of humor so many brought to their everyday lives; I remember with great fondness ordinary conversations in various Cafeterias ranging from, "Do Twinkies or Ring Dings retain their moisture best when frozen?" [I came down firmly on the side of Ring Dings...maintaining that the Chocolate formed a natural sealant to the cake and cream contained within, lol] to debates over the Pope's latest Encyclical.

If you could share only one thing with Kean's freshmen, before they embark on life in college, what would it be?

Fr. Bill: The College years are extremely challenging. You will be confronted with many conflicting ideas and approaches to life. Your Faith provides a treasury of thousands of years of lived experience and brilliance of thought embrace it!

Any tips for nourishing your faith life while living in a campus community?

Fr. Bill: Connect to Campus Ministry, get involved with the Newman Apostolate! Even in the darkest of moments the Lord Jesus stands beside you...lean on Him.

The Kean community has been beyond blessed to have Fr. Bill be a part of our team for so many years. You might not see Fr. Bill walking the Cougar Walk anymore or see his Mets memorabilia in the office, but do not worry! You can always say hi to Fr. Bill or attend one of his Masses at his parish in Clark, St. Agnes Church. His parish has a large, vibrant community and is always welcoming to anyone to stop in. (We are eyeing that Food Truck Festival they have next month…!) Anyone who knows Fr. Bill knows he cares deeply for the parish and does impactful work in the St. Agnes community. We will be following the parish on Instagram, @SaintAgnesChurch to stay up to date on everything they have going on.

Thank you for everything, Fr. Bill!


Welcome, Fr. Peter!


Identity Retreat Weekend 2023