Identity Retreat Weekend 2023

Kean University Campus Ministry had the remarkable opportunity to participate in this year’s Identity Retreat Weekend. We are still feeling the Lord’s graces long after the retreat has been done.

The Identity Retreat was initially started by Seton Hall University Campus Ministry during the pandemic- stemming from the need for men and women in college to learn more about their identity as a man or woman of God. Years later, it is an intercollegiate retreat where colleges from across northern New Jersey can come together to encounter their femininity or masculinity and the unique calls that we have as men and women in the world.

“Identity is such a hot button issue in society today. We saw the need to create a retreat where the authenticity of the female identity could be explored in a faith context.” -Stephanie Sonnick, Identity Retreat creator

Both retreats were held on the same weekend, March 24 to 26, 2023 at the Liebenzell Retreat Center in Long Valley, New Jersey. Nestled into a beautiful, serene area of the state, our Kean students were able to take a break from the hustle and bustle of life here in Union County. While both retreats were held at the same location, both were completely separate, so students could have retreat experiences tailored specifically to them. Kean University was fortunate enough to send two men and two women to the retreat, while I, Campus Minister for Kean University, assisted with the women’s side. Many schools were represented at the retreat; Seton Hall University, Felician University, Montclair State University, Ramapo College and Queens College. It was a blessing for students to meet and spend time with Catholic students from all over. Coming from a small ministry, it was wonderful for our Kean students to get the chance to grow in fellowship with a larger young adult Catholic community.

“The Identity retreat was such a blessing for me. I was greatly inspired by all the men actively striving to know the Lord more deeply. Because of the outpouring of grace from this retreat, I feel ready and eager to continue leading other souls to Christ.” -Reuben P., Kean Student Leader

Women’s Identity Retreat

While the men’s retreat focused on the mission of men, and how they can preserve their dignity in Christ, the women’s Identity Retreat had a goal for attendees to encounter the depths of their feminine identity. What does it mean to be a modern woman of faith? How is God calling us to live into our womanhood? Why does femininity matter? This experience provided attendees with a chance to take a closer look into their femininity.

The first discussion for the women’s weekend was by Sister Anne Dukart CSJ, who opened the retreat with a conversation on the “glory of our origins.” She pondered the questions, who are we as women? What does this mean for us yesterday, today, and tomorrow? What seemed to be a large takeaway for listeners was her focus on the feminine genius- women’s receptivity, sensitivity, generosity, and maternity. Sister Anne reminded everyone of the classic song from Disney’s Mulan- and the phrase, “I’ll make a man out of you.” She reminded the women present that it is wonderful to be a woman! We are equal to men, yet different in our nature and possess our own unique gifts.

After an evening of getting settled in, day two of the retreat started with a talk from Monica Delong on the “physical glory of woman in God’s design.” While many believe or struggle with the notion that the female body is a source of weakness, inconvenience, and perceived disadvantage, Monica from Peak Fertility Health guided listeners through a more scientific discussion on goodness and uniqueness of the female body. Especially focusing on women’s cycles, she helped listeners come to recognize that women’s physicality and what their physicality represents, is not only an indicator of female strength, it is also a gift.

After time for Mass, spiritual direction, Confessions, and of course lunch, Ascension Author Sarah Kearns Shutrop’s talk was an empowering and moving conversation with attendees. Her talk was titled, “Feminism and the Modern Woman of Faith: A Reckoning,” and guided listeners to see how women can be empowered, modern female disciples. Not all Catholic women fit inside the same box- each woman is called by God to live out her vocation in a different way. By the end of her talk, the 30+ women in the room continued to draw closer to her as they did not want her conversation to end!

To end a remarkable day, all attendees had the chance to be present with Jesus in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. It was an incredible sight to see so many young women together, supporting each other, praying with each other, and worshiping the Lord for hours into the evening.

All my 20 years I just believed there was a higher power called God that does the unexplained miracles. We were only on retreat for 3 days, and not to exaggerate but really what a change in my perspective... Spiritually, mentally, physically. I would never ever(!) think I would be the one telling my friends.... God is good.

Now here I am. The retreat has not only enlightened me in knowing more of what it is to be a woman and acknowledging the God given gifts we naturally have, but also to go about life with truth.” - Kamila T., Felician Student

According to Kean students who attended the women’s retreat, the Identity retreat weekend provided much “peace” and a break “from reality,” which in the middle of a hectic spring semester on campus, seemed to be much needed. At the same time, it offered a chance to dive deeper into each person’s identity as a young man or woman of God in 2023 and to nourish their spiritual life. At the peak of the Lenten season for the Church, when we are reminded of Christ’s sacrifice for us, it is important to know why we are considered worthy in His eyes, even when we are unsure of ourselves and who we are called to be. The Identity Retreat weekend was an incredible time for Campus Ministries to come together to guide our students to encounter who they are as women and men of the Lord.

Kean Campus Ministry looks forward to continuing collaboration with nearby Campus Ministries in the Archdiocese of Newark!

We hope you have a blessed Holy Week and Easter Season.

Photo Credits to KeanCatholics and Emily Fentress of FOCUS MSU.


Thank You, Fr. Bill!


Interfaith Panel Discussion