Meet Our Team

Our team in the Catholic Campus Ministry and Catholic Newman Club is made up of professional staff and students in order to be fully integrated into the Kean community.

  • Chaplain

    Fr. Peter was born and raised in Orange County, California. He has a B.A., M.A., and an M.Div. Before entering the seminary in 2012, he was a barista at Starbucks for two years. At the age of 21, he was given the opportunity to go help a team of missionaries working in parishes in Utah and New Mexico, and felt the call to become a missionary priest- six months later, he was sent to the Archdiocesan Missionary seminary of Newark.

    Fr. Peter was ordained a priest after ten years. He served as a transitional deacon at Church of the Nativity in Midland Park, and has been at St. John the Apostle Church in Linden after being newly ordained in 2022.

    His hope while at Kean “as always is to bring others to Christ.” Some fun facts about Fr. Peter include that he likes to cook, he speak three languages (English, Spanish, and Italian), loves to travel, and loves to snowboard.

  • Campus Minister

    Lucia began as the Catholic Campus Minister at Kean University in September of 2021. Lucia is a lifelong Catholic dedicated to working with college students to find their true, authentic selves. She holds a B.A. in Theology and Psychology from Immaculata University, as well as an M.A. in Higher Education from Caldwell University.

    Previously, Lucia has worked in Residence Life at military and Catholic colleges, with her experience consisting of student leadership development, student conduct and emergency response, and educational programming. Now, she feels blessed to be a part of the Campus Ministry team within the Archdiocese of Newark!

    In her spare time, she can be found listening to true crime podcasts, taking care of her house plants, reading, and seeing movies with her husband.

  • CN Club President

    Mariana is a Biology Pre-Med major who is a sophomore at Kean University. Mariana is a lifelong Catholic who regularly participates in a Brazilian parish. She is excited to be a team member, and introduce others to the same welcoming environment that was introduced to her when she first started attending the club. Other than her love and adoration for Jesus, she also has a devotion to His mother, the Virgin Mary. She will be there for you if you need help or just someone to talk to. 

  • Student-Led Bible Study Leader and Catholic Newman Club VP

    Reuben is a doctoral student in School and Clinical Psychology at Kean University. He is a convert to the Catholic faith: he was received into the Church in 2020. He has been leading Bible studies since 2021, helping fellow students to come to know the Heart of Jesus more deeply. He is eager to be a part of this team and be another resource for students who need guidance on their journey towards Heaven. Aside from his first love (Jesus), he loves LEGO (no, it's not only for children), puns, and ventriloquism! Whether you need help with getting into a habit of prayer or just need someone to make SpongeBob references with, Reuben is here to help!

  • Catholic Newman Club Secretary

    Sergio is an Interior Design major with a minor in Marketing within the class of 2027. He love art, particularly drawing and doodling. He joined the Catholic Newman Club in hopes to strengthen a fellowship and grow in spirit and faith with others in Christ. He states that though he was born and raised Catholic, his spiritual journey within still is an arduous one, filled with many questions and struggles- but always reminds himself that he, nor anyone else, is ever alone in the journey.

  • Catholic Newman Club Public Relations Chair

    Anthony is a History with a Teaching Certificate and Political Science major in the class of 2028. He is a lifelong Catholic who regularly attends the traditional Latin Mass. In his free time he likes to share Catholic values with his friends, family, and co-workers. He is very glad to be a part of Campus Ministry and has been a part of the group since 2024, he is always willing to answer the tough questions that people might have about the faith and will be glad to engage in deep theological conversations. When Anthony is not at school he enjoys movies, history, he practices Mixed Martial Arts, and is an amateur bull whip artist. If there is some sort of historical question or concern you have (especially the history of the Church) Anthony is always there to help.

  • CN Club Treasurer

    Mojeanny is an Architecture major that is entering her third year on campus. She loves the arts, particularly painting, sketching, and music. She has the goal of becoming closer to Christ in her everyday life.