Introducing The Interfaith Council @ Kean University

January 5, 2023

So, who is Kean University’s new Interfaith Council?

The Interfaith Council is composed of faculty, staff, students, and community members who are interested in helping the Kean community grow in understanding of different religious traditions.

The best part about the Interfaith Council… Anyone can join! If you are interested in learning more about Interfaith initiatives on campus, or are interested in subscribing to our Interfaith Newsletter, you can head to where you can subscribe and get updates for our upcoming meetings.

Catholic Campus Ministry is happy to be a part of the Interfaith Council on Kean's Campus. Our professional team members, as well as students, are able to work together on the council’s mission and goals. Some of the other team members on the Interfaith Council include the Kean Holocaust Resource Center’s staff, the Muslim Student Association’s professional staff, DEI members, and more.

What does the Interfaith Council do on campus?

The Interfaith Council works with the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, as well as other campus departments, to create programing and educational material about different faiths to Kean. We believe that religious difference serves as a bridge of cooperation between people, rather than a barrier of division.

Some of the council’s previous events have been educational tabling in the Fall semester- such as during Interfaith Week in November. During this time, all religious clubs and organizations on campus were invited to partake in tabling in the MSC, to spread information about their groups to students who may be unfamiliar. It ended with a Potluck dinner celebration at the end of the week, which is the perfect example of an Interfaith Gathering, according to Interfaith America founder Eboo Patel. Kean Catholics was honored to hear him speak and be invited to his event at Georgian Court University this fall- thanks to their Campus Ministry team! Eboo Patel states that while the metaphor of America as a "melting pot" was a good step forward for it's time in the early 1900s, America today is more like a "potluck nation." Just like the variety of dishes at a potluck meal, we are all different, but come together in a unique and wonderful way. Perhaps there are more potlucks in the Kean's Interfaith Council's future!

Our Work in Action

Great news! The Diversity Council on Global Education and Citizenship is a 2022 Interfaith America grant recipient. The goal of this grant is to support the work of Kean's Interfaith Council and promote the longevity of their mission. Interfaith America has a specific vision: Religious diversity is a foundational American strength. Interfaith America is building a nation that achieves that promise for the common good. Interfaith America’s mission is to inspire, equip, and connect leaders and institutions to unlock the potential of America’s religious diversity.

We hope to see you soon at an Interfaith Council meeting. We are currently planning our upcoming Spring Semester 2023 World Interfaith Harmony Week for February 1-7, and our next meeting is on January 10th. Email to get our meeting link. We are so excited to see what the Interfaith Council accomplishes this year.


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