Catholic Campus Ministry invites you to stop by our Shrove Tuesday table, which will be located in the entry of the Library Lobby on February 13, from 11AM-2PM.
Shrove Tuesday is a day of celebration for many Catholics and Christians prior to the start of Lent, and Ash Wednesday- which is a day of reflection, prayer, and fasting. Shrove Tuesday, also known as "Fat Tuesday" or "Mardi Gras," is a way for those who celebrate Lent and Ash Wednesday to consume their "fatty" foods and party prior to 40 days of refraining from various indulgences, and focusing on prayer and penance prior to Easter.
Campus Ministry will be handing out "Mardi Gras beads," along with information on the following day's Ash Wednesday services. There will also be helpful guides and information on how to fast safely for those who chose to do so on Ash Wednesday.
Questions regarding Lent, Ash Wednesday, or Shrove Tuesday can be directed to lpasternak@kean.edu.