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Live Boldly Bible Study

Ever spent 5 hours on Instagram but thought it was only 5 minutes? Ever wanted to ask your boss for a raise but were too afraid to do so? Ever had an incredible ambition but had no idea how to pursue it? Stinks, right? Better question. Ever wanted to do something about it? 

Hi there! My name is Reuben, and I will be conducting a semester-long Bible study on virtue through Catholic Campus Ministry and Newman club at Kean. I am so eager to help YOU realize how virtue can aid you in achieving your goals. Let’s find the time to pick up that hobby! Let’s get that raise! Let’s pursue that dream!

Our first few weeks will be on virtues that classic philosophers have found integral to living an excellent life: justice, temperance, fortitude, and temperance. Then, we’ll discuss 3 more virtues that are even more valuable than those 4 virtues. Whatever your preconceptions about virtue, throw them away! I guarantee that in our time together, you will start to think about virtue differently. More importantly, if you are willing to practice the virtues we discuss in our study, I guarantee that your life will look far more awesome than before. Whether you’ve been Christian all your life or totally unfamiliar with the faith, I promise that you will get something out of this Bible study. 

We will be meeting on Wednesday nights at 7:00PM in CAS 205. I invite you to bring any questions you may have. We’ll have DINNER and Bibles each week provided. Whether you just want to sit back and soak it all in or share all your thoughts on the topic, I want you there!

A bit about me. I am a second-year doctoral student in school and clinical psychology. I have an unhealthy obsession with LEGO (no, it’s not only for children). I also love SpongeBob, ventriloquism, juggling, and the art of punning! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about Bible study or just want to grab a coffee and chat! I’ve been leading several Bible studies for 3 years, and I’m so excited to continue being a student leader on campus!

Now is a great opportunity to practice the virtue of patience. I know you just can’t wait to join us! Get ready to live boldly!

This weekly study is sponsored by Catholic Campus Ministry. To stay up to date on the office’s events, opportunities, and more, follow @KeanCatholics on Instagram or email to receive our weekly newsletter.

September 13

First Mass of Semester

September 14

Weekly Bible Study