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Catholic Chats: Our Lady of Fatima

It was in 1917 when the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary took place in Fatima, Portugal. When Mary, also known as "Our Lady of Fatima" among many other titles,  first appeared to three little children, one of her comforting and consoling words said was “Are you suffering a great deal? Don’t lose heart. I will never forsake you. My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead to God.”

Those words weren’t just meant for the children or the people of Portugal over a century ago. To us here in 2023, after so much suffering through a painful global pandemic and violence of the world, Our Lady of Fatima tells us that those promises of God are irrevocable. God has not forgotten us.

This month's Catholic Chat event is all about the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima, the events that took place in 1917 and in the years to come, the miracles and messages associated with Fatima.

All are welcome to join us for this discussion and to learn! Dunkin Donuts will be provided, as well as some Rosaries for those who are interested in praying to the Blessed Mother following the event.

The event will begin at 3:30PM and be in MSC 315A.

Questions can be directed to Campus Minister Lucia at You can also stay up to date on Campus Ministry events by following @KeanCatholics on Instagram.

April 28

Rosary Prayer Group

May 4

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